ENGLISH Plauderraum: Volunteering

Plauderraum sessions take place online via Zoom. In each session, we chat about a specific topic. Volunteers moderate the session and make sure that everyone feels comfortable. All you need to participate is a computer, tablet or smartphone with a camera and a stable internet connection. 


On March 11, at 6pm, Ricardo will chat with you about Volunteering:

  • Do you do some sort of volunteering?
  • Which fields of vol­un­tee­ring are you fami­li­ar with?
  • Do you think vol­un­tee­ring plays an important role in society?

Click on the following link on March 11 at 6 pm and you are in, no prior registration necessary: https://caritas-at.zoom.us/j/92162891849 


Is this your first time? Welcome! You can find useful tips on how to enter the Plauderraum here. Our hosts will be there 15 minutes before the session starts. Feel free to join earlier on your first visit, we are happy to support you with any questions and technical difficulties. 


Please read our code of conduct. Tog­e­ther we crea­te a plea­sant atmo­sphe­re in which we all enjoy chat­ting.


We look forward to seeing you!



Bild von Rosy / Bad Hom­burg / Ger­ma­ny auf Pix­a­bay.

Organisiert von
Di. 11.03.2025 von 18:00 bis 19:00 Uhr
6 Teilnehmer

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